Blog Posts I Recommend

Happy Holidays. Below are some marvelous, enjoyable, astounding and thought-provoking posts from blogs I follow. Enjoy!

Three Little Pugs is a sweet blog. Stella Rose usually gives us her insight as the senior pug. We learn that “we are hosting a Dating Game Contest….Would you like to win a date with Maggie to go to the Bash….anyone can enter, dogs, cats, pigs, ….the only EXCEPTION is the evil elf Chrissy, she is not allowed to enter our contest cos we dislikes hers a lot.” and learn about Gussied Up for Visitors.  Stop by and visit  Stella Rose, Margaret Mae, Angus McConnell and their Momma and learn why Stella Rose is Worried. I just enjoy the posts and you will too!

Interesting Literature brings readers the earliest known film version of A Christmas Carol in a incomplete but restored version from 1900/1901 of Scrooge or Marley’s Ghost. I have to say for 1900/1901 the special effects are pretty phenomenal (you may not think so compared to today but this is film in infancy).  This now ties with MY Favorite Christmas Carol Film: Scrooge. (info below) Interesting Literature also offers Twelve Facts from Interesting Literature including why Winnie the Pooh and Green Eggs and Ham have been banned.

Through A Peacock’s Eyes Julianne share her Tarotscope predictions for 2014. She is amazingly accurate, have a look.

The Ghost of Christmas Present: There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you’re not here any more.

A Small Press Life brings a post entitled Book Nerds Links featuring new art for a new publication of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. I must say the art serves as a perfect description for the book. And yet another marvelous post Daily Diversion #181 on The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum.

Students and Birds has a post about a Parrott and Family In Need. They are thinking of the welfare of a parrot in need of medical care and the family that loves their animal companion. I always advocate looking to animal welfare so if you can help, please do and Kudos to Students and Birds for caring and sharing.

Alarmingman has beautiful haiku poetry. I have so many favorites, I recommend just dropping by.

Books and Bassets posted about a non fiction book called Courage Has No Color. Her blog is about Childrens & YA lit with some Bassets thrown in. Readers can find excellent reading material for the young and for the not young. Exposing us to this non fiction is a beautiful addition.

Stop by A Mixed Bag for some wonderful photography.

Visit Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny for a wonderful Christmas Countdown of some animal companions.

Scrooge starring Albert Finney and Alec Guiness.

I am not going to give the official online summaries. I say this is a beautiful musical adaption. Released in 1970, when I first say the movie as a young teen I wondered how they made Scrooge look young again. This is a credit to how masterfully Albert Finney plays the role as well as the makeup artist.  Alec Guiness is a a fantastic Marley.

Quotes from the screenplay:

Ebenezer Scrooge: Why do you walk the earth? Why’d you come to persecute me? And what is that great chain you wear?

the Ghost of Jacob Marley: I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it, link by link and yard by yard, while on Earth, and now I will never be rid of it, any more than you will ever be rid of yours!

Guiness quoted this line so perfectly that to this day I take him seriously, I don’t think the words are hokey or  trite, when I read them I do feel they are a bit schmaltzy but not in the telling in this movie.


The musical Scrooge is from a stage play. While the songs are still wonderful, having seen and heard the music in the 1970 movie I prefer the movie.  The book offers all the music even the songs that did not make the cut in the film version.

From the song at the end of the movie the most excellent lines:

Ebenezer Scrooge: I will start anew/I will make amends/and I will make quite certain/that the story ends/on a note of hope/on a strong amen/and I’ll thank the world/and remember when/I was able to begin again!

If you are brave enough to read my post and watch the video featured in my I Love Dogs and Animals blog, then the lines above are a wonderful mantra to a Resolution to Be Humane.

I will start anew/I will make amends/and I will make quite certain/that the story ends/on a note of hope/on a strong amen/and I’ll thank the world/and remember when/I was able to begin again!


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Filed under Recommended

11 responses to “Blog Posts I Recommend

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning me and my blog! What a lovely Christmas surprise! Many blessings to you!

  2. Thanks for sharing! It means a lot, as Puffy is a dear bird, and her owners are fantastic people.

  3. Al

    Thank you, thank you and thrice thank you.

    I appreciate you mentioning my blog on yours. You have placed me with flawless company and I give you thanks aplenty. I will pay the other blogs a visit over the next few days

  4. Pingback: Blog Posts I Recommend – A Reblog | A Mixed Bag

  5. Hugs and more hugs, Alastair! I’m really going to bed this time or tomorrow will be a disaster! Haha Nite. hugs Paula xxxx

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