What Did You Get for the Holiday?

What did you get for Christmas? Gifts? Books? Money? Love?

I got a lot of love from the doggies – the parakeets may have even sent some love my way either that or they just had a lot to discuss.
Did you get a tablet? If not check out the Kindle sale and use some Christmas cash.  If you happen to have an extra, I wouldn’t mind being on your gift or re-gift list. 

I really do want to know what your received, what you wished for and maybe what you didn’t get.  I hope you have love for Christmas from animal companions and humans.  Followed by a job (to pay living expenses), books and craft supplies and a maid service and someone to do all my (oops I mean your) chores around the house. 

Amazon seems to tempt me and all I want to do is get a HDX and some E-books, and some books, gifts for the dogs, some books with more doggie related items ….. You get the idea. so_many_books_so_little_time_post_cards-r74f1ae9c503a47958996673e81b0ecd8_vgbaq_8byvr_512

I remember some of my requests for gifts in the past.  Since my b-day is a few days after Christmas I would often get the larger priced items as a Combo-gift. At age 11ish I really wanted an aquarium. I searched everywhere and could find no aquarium sized gifts. I prepared myself to be disappointed. But my parents were wise to my sneaky snooping and hid the gift out of reach, maybe in the car trunk – I have never found out the hiding place.

I asked for a leaf blower that I still use to this day, mainly for lawn mowing detritus. The amount of leaves around my house is massive and can’t be blown away. Leaves must be bagged, last year I used about 24 55 gallon bags.

This year my gift is wonderful. I have received love and support from my family. Canine family, family-family and chosen family of friends. Best Gift Ever.

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Lately this has been a TEMPTATION like no other. And with Prime, which I do have, I could watch movies for free, listen to books, read books and shop – oops there you go with the temptation again.

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BWYQ9YE/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00BWYQ9YE&linkCode=as2&tag=thewrilifforr-20">Kindle Fire HDX 7", HDX Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB - Includes Special Offers</a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=thewrilifforr-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00BWYQ9YE" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
Here are the tempting facts. I need to find a new word, maybe: enticing, appetizing, seductive (Seductive is an apt word choice), attractive or tantalizing.
This is not a shameless plug – I really do Want, Desire and Lust after one of these tablets.
From Amazon: Make your first payment at checkout to get your new Kindle  Fire HDX. Pay the remaining balance in 3 equal installments every 90 days.
  • No interest
  • No finance charges
  • No hidden fees
  • No credit check or application required

How it Works: To get started, click on the button below. Add any eligible Kindle Fire HDX or Kindle Fire HDX 8.9″ tablet to your cart. At checkout, we’ll charge 25% of the  device price, plus any applicable tax and shipping charges in full. The  remaining balance will be automatically billed to your credit card in three  equal installments every 90 days. This offer is limited to one Kindle Fire HDX per customer.

Am I being materialistic? I hope not though I think I have a touch of avarice. Shame on me.
And this is the problem with online shopping – for me anyway.  So many items at my fingertips.  I have an upcoming post on how to avoid impulse buys online – and I am suppressing the impulse and temptation and avarice and tantalizing offers, so far anyway.
I could never take a job in a bookstore, or pet store or craft store. I would never bring home a paycheck, just employee discounted goodies.
Now it is time to enjoy the rest of 2013 and prepare for a blessed 2014.

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