A Christmas Gift

A Christmas Gift for Readers and Nerds Like Me. Open Courseware!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I have a gift for you my friends. FREE online course work is available from several universities.
Here is the link to MIThttp://ocw.mit.edu/courses/index.htm  The OCW stands for Open Courseware. For my friends that are strictly readers the Literature courses link is here.
Tufts University. Tufts OCW (and most all OCW)
·      Publishes Tufts course materials.
·       Does not require any registration.
·       Does not grant credit, degrees, or certificates.
·       Does not provide access to Tufts faculty; however  feedback is shared.
 I say who cares I don’t get credit – I get to learn! How cool is that?  Tres, tres cool!

Utah State University.  

Washington State proudly declared in November 2011 their open library hit 10,000 visitors in 11 days. Washington’s State Board for Community and Technical Colleges SBCTC manages OpenCourseLibrary.org

The Open Courseware ConsortiumWhat is  OpenCourseWare? OpenCourseWare is the name given to open educational resources that are presented in course format, often including course planning  materials, such as syllabi and course calendars, along with thematic content,  such as textbooks, lectures, presentations, notes and simulations. Open  Educational Resources are materials developed by experienced educators that are  available for use, repurposing, and modification (including translation), in whole or in part, by everyone, everywhere in the world.
What is Open Education? Open Education is, at its core, about free and open sharing.  Free, meaning no cost, and open, which refers to the use of legal tools (open  licenses) that give everyone permission to reuse and modify educational  resources.  Free and open sharing increases  access to education and knowledge for anyone, anywhere, anytime.  It allows people to make changes to materials or to combine resources in new ways to build something new.  Open Education incorporates free and open learning communities, educational networks, teaching and learning materials, open textbooks, open data, open scholarship, and on and on. Open Education gives people access to knowledge, provides platforms for sharing, enables innovation, and connects communities of learners and educators around the world.



Filed under Recommended

2 responses to “A Christmas Gift

  1. Thanks for the info! Enjoy the holidays, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Ditto on the holiday wishes and visiting my blog!

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